Self Storage Services
Do you have a business that needs commercial storage Sandwich, Deal, Dover or St. Margarets, East Kent, Castles Storage have aple Storage to meet your requirements.
To meet the increased need for Do It Yourselves (DIY) removals and Self Storage by clients, Castles are now offering this Self storage Service in the Deal, Dover, Sandwich and surrounding area. We also have customers from Thanet areas of Ramsgate, Broadstairs and Margate who use our storage units. At the moment we offer two options, one is in wooden containers and the other is in Metal containers.
For more info click onto our main website
The Benefits
- Releases Valuable office space
- Provides fast, accurate retrieval
- Bar code system offers complete audit trail to prevent errors
- Saves time & money
- Releases management and administrative personnel for other vital functions
- Provides regular reports for document identification
- Future proof – systems can be adapted for changing technology
- Scalable – companies can start at any level and expand as their business requirements change
- Forms a vital part of disaster recovery plans
Castles Storage of Kent, are able to offer various storage options from Archive and Document storage to electronic data management and digital coded retrieval systems. Castles can provide storage solutions for the present and the future.
In these days of rising office costs and an increasing requirement for business to maintain accurate, long-term records, contracting out document storage makes sense. Castles offer this service to provide their customers with an efficient and reliable way of storing and retrieving business records.